Forgive me

Evie would have much preferred if the prince simply told her of his true intentions instead of keeping her on her toes, but she understood that she did not have any say in the matter. Whatever he was up to, she had no choice but to wait and see.
“Has it not crossed your mind that perhaps I am not amused by being kept waiting?” She asked him, voice teasing. There was truth behind her words but the truth was also that she considered him to be a man worth waiting for. At least for a little while.
She laid back down on her back, watching the ceiling as a smile crept up on her face.
“I highly doubt that.” Food was scarce in these parts of town. No one could afford to save it and risk it going bad. “But if you are hungry, I will go down and fetch something for you.”
It dawned on her in that moment that they were out of money. She had spent everything she had getting them this room, and the first serving of food that had gone untouched. 
“Perhaps if I go down there naked, they won’t ask for payment.” She giggled.

Jasper did not see why this had anything to do with them being royals. He had seen the king on the toilet enough times to know that he was human, like everyone else. The fact that he didn’t wipe his own ass and instead had others do it did not change that. Of course, he greatly admired and respected royalty, and nobles, and everyone born into a higher class than the one he himself sprung from, but he did not consider them anymore complicated than normal people.
“If it considered important information, the king will tell you about it next time you meet.” He still did not see why it mattered, and he did not want to believe that his lack of understanding had to do with him being low born. Surely that did not make him more stupid than anyone else?
“With respect, my lady, I do not think that you have anything to worry about. In fact, I think you might be overreaction.” Realising what he had just said, Jasper quickly fell silent and his eyes diverted back down to the table. “I… I’m sorry, my lady. I should not have said that. Forgive me, please.”