Ruin all the fun

Although she said it calmly and looked everything but timid, he could sense a slight uncertainty in her voice. She was not convinced that what he was telling her was true. And who could blame her really. With a reputation of being a ladies man, and being the crown prince on top of that, it was expected of him to have as many lovers as he liked. No matter if he was married or not, if he was to follow in the footsteps of his father. 


As she spoke, he took her hand in his. Looking at it in comparisons to his, her hands were dainty and small. He traced the lines of her hand with his fingers, turning her hand over gently. He had once had a woman look at his hands to study his future. She said it looked bright, but he might run into some dilemmas. His father had said that all kings run into dilemmas, it's part of the job. But the woman had insisted that this dilemma had to do with matters of the heart. At the time, Milo had already been betrothed for years, and his father had discounted the woman as a stupid fool who knew nothing of futures, and had dismissed her. Milo had never known what to think.


He finally looked at Evie again.


“Oh I could’t reveal my plans for you just yet” He smiled secretively and placed a gentle kiss on her hand. “That would ruin all the fun” He smiled and then glanced to the door. 


It had been the right decision of course, to send away the food. But now Milo was hungry and his stomach was beginning to growl slightly again. 


“Do you suppose they would have saved us some of that food we sent away earlier?” He wondered aloud and looked back at the very naked and very beautiful lady. 






Andy felt all hope seep out of her with every word he spoke. Damn it. He had truly been her very last hope to know what the damned letter had said. 


Truth be told, she wasn’t exactly sure what she had expected it to say, but surely it would be important for the queen to go to such lengths to conceal it from her? Lately, her conversations with the king had turned more serious. His lavish gifts had become more lavish and he had begun to reveal his true feelings for her.


The letter might have contained some important information. Like to let her know to come with him somewhere… Whilst he got rid of the queen.


Although that was more wishful thinking than anything else.


“Oh… Well you can’t blame a lady for hoping…” She mumbled and sipped some more of her drink. She was quite honestly disappointed. If only Jasper had been a little less proper and little more curious she may have been able to find out what it had said, without embarassing herself in front of the king.


She wasn’t sure why he would ask her such a thing. Surely that was much more private than what a servant should know? Then again, Andy had started to feel more as though she was speaking to a friend than a servant… Perhaps he was feeling the same thing.


“It’s never as easy as that Jasper. Not with royals.” She said, a meaningful look in her eyes. “I do not know what that letter contained, but for Lexi… I mean, the queen, to react as she did, it might have contained some important information” Looking at him, she couldn’t tell if he fully understood her meaning. But then, why would a servant understand.