Such kindness

Milo smiled at her silently, hoping she would be right. Although his father had never bothered to listen to them, he had carefully made plans for how he would bring all of this to his people, starting by securing peace throughout the kingdoms so that no one had to worry about waging a costly war again. His stepmother had been part of a peace treaty, but Milo wanted to go beyond marriages. He wanted to act, to actually do something. He refused to accept empty promises. 
As she spoke, a smile spread wider and wider across the prince's face. Not only was Evie witty and beautiful, but she cared. Which was much more than he could say for most ladies he met. 
"I would love to!" The prince smiled. "Perhaps I can go to the castle kitchens and gather some more food as well?" He then suggested, getting more and more excited about this little adventure. He did not often leave the castle, especially when it was not because of some big event. The last time he had been in the town had been for the marriage between his father and Lexi. Even then he had tried to speak to his father about the alarming state of the people watching the procession. The king had brushed him away and said it was not his place, not until he was married and a king himself. 
Andy laughed loudly at the king's comment, but then his eyes became stern. He had been watching his son talking to the servant boy and ultimately giving him a bun of bread. Andy did not see the issue with it, but the king muttered and called over his own, personal servent. Andy had seen the servant before and recognised him. He had once been very kind to her whilst helping her sneak into the king's rooms. Their eyes met briefly and Andy found herself blushing at what a pretty face the man had. He was young still, not weathered like the king. Andy could tell through his clothes that he had an athletic body too. He was handsome to be sure. Not that she would ever say such a thing out loud about a servant. 
"Make certain that that boy pays for the bun he just stole" The king muttered darkly and Andy felt a twang of pain at his words. The poor boy had done nothing wrong! If anything, the prince had! Andy put a hand on the kings arm and looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Your highness, might the boy not be allowed such a kindness, just this once? After all, it will be benefitial for the prince to be well liked once he becomes king?" The kings eyes softened and he put his hand against her cheek, Andy leaning slightly into his hand. 
"You are too kind, little dove" The older man sighed deeply, considered her for a moment and then looked at his servant again. "Jared, I change my mind. The boy shall not have to pay this time, but make certain it does not occur again" Said the king firmly and a smile spread across Andy's lips. She kissed the inside of the kings hand gently.
"Thank you, your Grace" she breathed and leaned closer to the king, a big smile on her face. She could feel his eyes lower onto her chest which was far too exposed for the daytime, but she did not care. She could tell the power she held over the king. It was sickening and amazing all at once.